
  • Got : 2000€ / Objective : 2000€

About the action

Introduction to the Association

The association Les Champs d'Apibio, located at 51 Chemin de la Font de Rouve 30340 Rousson, is committed to the environment with love and respect for nature, indignant at the repeated degradation it inexorably suffers. Through numerous encounters with people who share the same values, we have collectively reflected on how to contribute to biodiversity in our environment, in the Gard, within the Mas APIBIO, located in a biotope classified as a ZNIEFF zone (Natural Zones of Ecological, Faunistic and Floristic Interest).

Thus, with a handful of friends, we gave birth to the association "Les Champs d'Apibio," whose main activity is the establishment of biodiversity conducive to beekeeping and the life of bees on the site. Therefore, our association carries an ecological project around beekeeping and api-forestry.

A tree, hedge, and honey plant planting plan is being finalized, with the goal of progressively planting two to three hundred trees and hedges of various varieties this year. It is in this context that I am making this presentation today to seek your support, hoping that you can help us financially to realize this planting plan.

Project Description

Our ambition is to make the "Mas APIBIO" site, where the association intervenes, a showcase site for biodiversity, with varied small-scale productions and activities. This year 2021, in collaboration with Mr. Jean Descloux, a beekeeper and trainer, and Mr. Gilbert Dumas, President of the GDSA 30, we are creating a school apiary on the Mas APIBIO site. We plan to organize educational workshops for students in the region and various events around beekeeping, api-forestry, and agroforestry. We will plant tree species, including many fruit trees, that promote the development of bees, so they have food on-site throughout the year.

We are also working extensively on water and irrigation. A young engineer is working on our aquatic biodiversity project with the creation of a natural pond.

Last year, for the project launch, we already installed 5 beehives, planted 370 grapevines, 24 apricot trees, and about fifty olive trees over 20 years old, from an olive grove put up for sale.

The expected developments will be done in the spirit of permaculture: exploitation of a vegetable garden, creation of a flower garden with associated cultures, and installation of bioclimatic greenhouses.

Gradually, animals will also find their place in this biodiversity.

We also aim to develop agritourism and eco-habitat on-site in the future.

For this, we wish to launch communication campaigns to mobilize financial and human resources, especially to obtain the necessary funds for investments and the development of the association.

Use of the Donation

The donation from Ecomail will be invested in the planting of honey-producing plants, trees, shrubs, hedges, and flowering fallows. The preselected plantings for your partnership are as follows:

- Butterfly Bushes (Buddleja x Weyriana)
- Sweet Almond Trees
- Honey Trees (Tetradium Danielli)
- Cherry Trees
- Fig Trees
- Pomegranate Trees (Table Pomegranate)
- Mimosas
- Byzantine Hazelnuts
- Walnut Trees
- Medlar Trees
- Apple Trees
- Plum Trees
- Henry's Lime Trees
- 170 m of varied honey-producing hedges

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