Assiette végétale

  • Got : 2000€ / Objective : 2000€

About the action

Our Mission

Alternative consumption modes are increasingly being demanded by the population, as evidenced by the recent Citizen's Convention for Climate and the growing interest of consumers in products that are more respectful of the planet. The current context calls for concrete measures to combat present and future ecological disasters. A diet rich in meat produces 150% more greenhouse gases than a plant-based diet. At Assiettes Végétales, we believe that collective catering has a role to play in these necessary changes, given the quantities of products and food involved in this type of catering.

Therefore, since 2018, our association has been working to generalize access to a 100% plant-based option in the menus of French collective catering. Our campaign is notably supported by climatologist Valérie Masson-Delmotte. To achieve this, we meet with administrators and restaurant managers to propose supporting them in implementing an eco-responsible, attractive, and healthy option for everyone.

Introduction to the Association

More and more chefs and managers of collective catering are concerned about acting for the climate and preserving the environment. They wish to take care of the health of their guests, respond to their new dietary habits, and introduce them to new flavors. Assiettes Végétales is a non-profit association. Its goal is to ensure that all users of collective catering have access to a complete and attractive vegetarian or vegan choice based on plant proteins. We support collective catering actors in implementing this choice.

Offering a plant-based alternative is an effective sustainable development policy. The format of a choice (starter, main course, dessert) does not disrupt the dietary habits of the guests and can expand their horizons in terms of alternative nutrition.

What we provide:
- Technical sheets for the plant-based offer
- Contacts with professionals trained in plant-based cooking adapted to collective catering
- Contacts with dietitians specialized in plant-based nutrition
- Communication and information supports as well as custom signage

The Green Week in Plates (SVA)

We have worked on implementing a new project, "The Green Week in Plates," which aims to introduce collective restaurants and their guests to a more eco-responsible mode of eating.

In a perspective of supporting changes in consumption habits, this event will reveal the demand for plant-based nutrition and raise awareness among the guests about the climate and ecological issues that eco-responsible consumption modes address. The objective: to prove that introducing a plant-based offer in collective catering is possible, qualitative, and desired by the guests. Following this Week, we will propose the continuation of the partnership through the introduction of a daily plant-based menu in the concerned collective restaurants.

We have designed a guide explaining what we offer. This is addressed to all collective restaurants concerned about acting for the preservation of the environment and the health of their guests: schools, high schools, university restaurants, administrative and company restaurants. For one week, the collective restaurant will be required to offer a plant-based main dish alongside the normally offered dishes. We will provide ready-to-use recipes adapted to collective catering, qualitative and nutritious, such as green risotto or soy shepherd's pie. Free communication and information supports adapted to each collective restaurant will aim to attract guests while raising their awareness of the impact of our diet on everyone's health and the environment, while culinary or nutrition training can be provided to professionals if needed.

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