Jardins du Monde

  • Got : 2800€ / Objective : 2800€

About the action

Presentation of the association

The Jardins du Monde association aims to promote medicinal plants and traditional medicine in community health.

The Jardins du Monde Madagascar branch is based in the city of Antsiranana, also known as Diego Suarez. In 2003, at the request of the University of Antsiranana, the association's activities began and now extend throughout the Diana region (north of Madagascar).

In some countries where the health situation may be difficult, the development of local pharmacopoeias is the way to meet the health needs of increasingly needy populations. This is particularly the case in the Diana region of Madagascar.

The association's activities actively involve rural populations and contribute to the improvement of living conditions in terms of hygiene and health. They promote the use of natural resources present in the region, in a health education program and in the concern for the preservation of the resource and traditional knowledge.

Project Description

The project for the preservation of local biodiversity and traditional knowledge is divided into 2 parts:

- 1st part: planting and preserving local plant species

The goal of this project is to plant and preserve endemic plant species present in the territory, regenerate soils, and involve local actors (village community, schools, the Youth Club for the Environment) in environmental protection.

For this purpose, 1,000 forest and fruit trees will be planted in a municipality (to be defined at the end of 2023) during the beginning of the rainy season (between January and early March). The area will cover 1 to 3 hectares depending on the topography of the chosen location and will be on public domain space or private space (including a commitment contract with the owner and local actors) as well as inside school premises. The species will be chosen based on the location and dedicated space. Monthly monitoring and an annual evaluation, especially on the survival rate of species, will be carried out. In schools, the Youth Club for the Environment and other students will be equally mobilized for the maintenance and preservation of the planted species.

- 2nd part: educational and community gardens

The goal of this project is to preserve species and traditional knowledge related to plants, to allow the village community to have local resources for healing, and also to enable the general public to discover endemic species and related knowledge through educational gardens.

For this, community gardens will be created and arranged so that an educational approach can be implemented to raise awareness in village communities. Prior to this, training in agro-ecology will be provided, and maintenance and monitoring will be carried out in the gardens. In addition, a 48-hour training will also be provided on the harvesting, drying, and packaging of medicinal plants.

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  • Proof of donation

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