Le Verger des Amis

  • Got : 800€ / Objective : 800€

About the action

Introduction to the Association

This association is the result of the merger of two small structures. One focused on managing an orchard (with old varieties of apple and pear trees) located in the street of the same name, and the other involved in organizing various activities allowing residents of the housing estate to meet and gather (waste collection, collective games, garage sales, etc.).

Since 2021, this "new" association is all of that at once! It combines the activity of managing the orchard and activities related to living well together.

We are members of the Eure-et-Loir Inter-Association Network for Ecological and Solidarity Transition.

Our mission (excerpts):
- develop actions in favor of sustainable development, ecology;
- involve the residents of Mainvilliers in activities, workshops, promoting living well together;
- naturally maintain the orchard located in the Boisville housing estate;
- preserve old varieties of vegetables, fruit trees, and small fruits;
- develop environmental projects with other associations in the Eurelian territory.

The association wishes to expand its scope of actions and activities, it is considering:
- expanding the orchard;
- installing permanent signage;
- installations in the orchard for the Oursons et Cie micro-crèche;
- organizing a garage sale in partnership with the Seresville hamlet association;
- setting up group purchases to save money (e.g., composters, water collectors...);
- manufacturing and installing birdhouses.

Project Description

The main activity of our structure consists of organizing events in favor of living well together and ecologically managing an orchard of old varieties of apple and pear trees. Located in the Boisville housing estate, the land occupied by the orchard has been made available and maintained free of charge since 2016 by the municipality. It is bordered by a 50-meter-long rural hedge that, in addition to protecting from prevailing winds, also welcomes biodiversity by providing a refuge for auxiliary insects and birds.

We plan to expand the orchard by planting new fruit trees, but they will no longer be protected, so we first need to extend the hedge. The extension, totaling 75 linear meters, is part of a free participatory workshop open to all, over two days: November 25 and 26, 2022. This event benefits from many in-kind advantages and a private subsidy.

On Friday, November 25, three classes of different levels, including one from a priority neighborhood, will participate in the planting. Two kindergarten classes, one from a priority neighborhood, and a Ce2 class. These students benefit from online educational materials provided free of charge by the Foundation for Nature and Man as part of their national campaign "J'agis, je plante." The neighborhood management company Reconstruire Ensemble provides us with mature compost for free. The Tachainville Farm provides us with sheep wool free of charge as mulch. Large gardening stores have been solicited for tool donations to supplement those already made by individuals. The municipality lends us reception equipment (tables) and shelter in case of heavy rain (easy shelters). The permaculture collective Ramène Ta Fraise, attached to the Courville association T'CAP, lends us ecocups. The trees and shrubs, of local varieties, are purchased from the E.S.A.T. "Madame de Fontanges" located in La Ferté-Vidame. This nursery is labeled "plante bleue." We will be accompanied by the Luisantais landscape architect Thomas Courties for the preparation of the soil, the pralin, and the planting of the plants. The plants and support are financed, up to 800 €, by the email messaging company Ecomail. France 2 has confirmed its presence on Friday morning as well as the general director of the Foundation, Stéphanie Clément-Grandcourt.

On Saturday, the 26th, volunteers from all walks of life will continue the work of the classes to finalize the planting. The classes will be invited to return in March and June to observe the plants' growth. The experience of mulching with sheep wool is very interesting as it is still quite underused (a few products marketed in garden and DIY stores). The large mulched area of 150m² (length 75m x width 2m) should allow us to obtain "objective" results.

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