About the action
Presentation of the Association
The association PASSERELLES.INFO was founded in 2007 to develop sustainable development education programs. It cooperates with the National Education, various ministries, and expert structures to produce and distribute activity guides for teachers free of charge online and in print. Three programs are currently being deployed: Living with the Sun, Eating and Moving for Health, and Reducing My Waste, Nourishing the Earth. Training programs for teachers are also rolled out, and the programs are evaluated in terms of process and impact. The association is funded by the public sector and the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, and collaborates with several associations and international partners.
Project Description: Reducing My Waste, Nourishing the Earth
Passerelles.info association has launched the "Reducing My Waste, Nourishing the Earth" program with the support of several public and private organizations to educate students about the management of bio-waste. The program offers educational resources validated by the National Education, an online platform for managing shipments and evaluations, training for teachers, and monitoring of the impact on students. Students investigate the ecological and economic benefits of composting and vermicomposting, build worm composters, and become ambassadors for the approach. Over 400,000 students have participated in the program to date. An extension to middle and high school levels is being considered.
Ecomail has decided to support the "Reducing My Waste, Nourishing the Earth" program implemented by the Passerelles.info association. To this end, it will fund the program with 1,000 euros, thus reaching more students and raising awareness among as many people as possible about waste management and the importance of composting and methanization.
Date of donation
Proof of donation