Le refuge des tortues

  • Got : 971.42€ / Objective : 3000€

About the action

Presentation of the association

Le Refuge des Tortues, located in Bessières in Haute-Garonne, is a sanctuary dedicated to aquatic and land turtles, founded by an association recognized as being of general interest since 2017. It welcomes more than 1000 turtles coming from individuals, found in the wild or placed by environmental agents, and offers them lifetime accommodation in basins and enclosures adapted to each species. Some turtles of the French fauna, such as the European Pond Turtle and the European Pond Terrapin, can be released into the wild under certain conditions. The association's missions are the reception of turtles, environmental education and scientific research. The refuge is also a haven of biodiversity, hosting many species of wild amphibians and reptiles.

More information on the association's website: https://lerefugedestortues.fr

The project and its objectives

The destroyed habitat and natural disasters have reduced the population of the European Pond Terrapin in France. A conservation breeding project is planned to reintroduce the species into its former habitats, identified by surveys and in accordance with the recommendations of the IUCN and the French Herpetological Society.

The contribution of Vie.eco, Ecomail and Ecomtel: plants for the breeding and study station

In order to offer the best possible conditions to the turtles that will be part of the reintroduction program, we wish to reproduce as much as possible the conditions they encounter in the wild. This involves the creation of natural basins that provide turtles with what they need: sand and gravel to cling to, bury or dig for food, solariums and branches for sunbathing, nesting areas, aquatic plants and land plants.

Ecomail has decided to support our project by financing the purchase of land plants for the turtle enclosures. These play an essential role in the animals' habitat as they offer hiding places for turtles that use the land areas as well as the aquatic areas. They hibernate notably at the foot of shrubs by burying themselves. Land plants play an essential role in regulating soil temperatures by adding shade. Finally, they are also a refuge for the many invertebrates and insects consumed by turtles, particularly snails. The plants will mainly be Mediterranean species.

  • Status

    In progress

  • Amount
