Zéro déchets Tou...

  • Got : 1000€ / Objective : 1000€

About the action

The association Zéro Déchet Touraine (ZDT) was established in January 2017. It is a member of the network of 80 local groups coordinated by Zero Waste France, which brings together 20 to 30,000 people in France. Based in Indre-et-Loire, ZDT defends the interests of citizens, consumers, users, and taxpayers in the field of waste management and environmental preservation. Its objective is to promote, within its area of activity, the reduction of waste at the source, through systematic and voluntary waste prevention approaches known as "zero waste, zero waste" initiatives.

ZDT brings together over 800 supporters, donors, and members, including about a hundred regular volunteers. It offers educational animations and training on waste reduction, interventions in companies (Do It Yourself workshops, waste prevention audits, "zero waste company" conferences, etc.), and public conferences.

ZDT also assists organizers of sports and cultural events in implementing their waste reduction approach, organizes citizen clean-ups, and social gatherings (monthly 'z'aperos) that widely promote zero waste.

The association is particularly active in the field of shared composting in buildings or establishments. Four of its members invented the Compostou, an innovative and now patented collective composter, whose special feature is to allow efficient composting of organic waste in cold and thin layers (thus without temperature rise or confinement of bio-waste that can cause nuisances if the composter is poorly managed). The association manages about forty Compostous, which it provides to users year-round under an original rental-maintenance-support formula.

Politically, ZDT has directly contributed to the development and adoption of an ambitious Regional Waste Prevention and Management Plan (PRPGD), which now applies to all companies in the territory and more than 2.5 million inhabitants in the Centre Val de Loire region. Through its advocacy activities, it has also worked for government action on fast-food waste, the ban on disposable plastic food items and Black Friday, the return of deposits on glass objects, an intensification of the fight against wild waste, and the generalization of local composting.

In total, the association has carried out more than 450 activist actions since 2017, averaging nearly one action every two days.

To learn more:
https://www.zerodechettouraine.org/ and https://compostou.org/

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