Does your association need funding?

Tell us about your project.

Total donations: 86960€

How can I submit a project for funding by Ecomail? (Ecomail + Ecomtel) allocates 30 to 50% of its revenue to associations working for the environment, for biodiversity.
Project submissions are numerous; your project should be planned for at least 3 months or more.

We select projects that adhere to the following criteria:

  • You are a association working for environmental protection, please send us your articles of association
  • Your project directly contributes to biodiversity conservation.
  • Your project is tangible; you know its implementation date and financial cost > please send us your detailed project, your projected schedule, and your cost estimates.
  • You commit to providing a payment certificate and/or a tax receipt, ideally using the HelloAsso platform.
  • You commit to providing feedback on the project's implementation, on the action. These updates are important as they allow us to keep our user community informed.

If your association and your project meet all of the above criteria, please contact us at the following address: [email protected].
In your email, please provide us with as much information as possible about the project, about the action you would like us to financially support. The more comprehensive the submission, the quicker we can confirm or deny its funding by (Ecomail + Ecomtel).

We review all requests, so it's possible that our response time may be a little longer. However, we do respond to all requests we receive.